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Sponsored Offers — How does it work?

It's simple: ads can be placed on any page specified in the advertising request form. Also, you can choose another location not provided in the ones we suggest.

• Your offers with display more frequently on AlphaDiscounters.
• Thanks to advertising, the buyers will be reached sooner.
• You increase traffic and chances to sell products in your store on AlphaDiscounters.

Let's Advertise

What are the display locations of Sponsored Offers?

Examples where buyers can see your offers:

On the main page (you can choose your own place on the home page, the photo is just an example)

On the shop and search page

In the sidebar on most informational pages

How to get started?

1. Set up ads directly from the vendor dashboard
Your product will be displayed in the right sidebar on most informational pages

Go to the administration panel of your store and click on products.

Each product has a
icon next to it and clicking on it will open a confirmation window.

After selecting a product you will be redirected to the checkout page.

Immediately after payment, the item will appear in the right sidebar on most information pages.

2. Would you like more advertising?
Fill out the advertising form and choose any place in the store that you want

Go here to fill out the advertising form.

Specify the type of advertisement (banner or product) and select the desired location from our offer.

If you have not found a suitable place, you can take a screenshot of the desired location and paste it into the form.

Fill in your personal data and click Submit. We will review your application and contact you in the nearest future.
