AlphaDiscounters Currency Converter
Pay in your local currency and shop with confidence
AlphaDiscounters Currency Converter allows you to lock in your exchange rate and pay for purchases in your local currency.
Eliminate the guesswork
Know exactly how much you will pay, using your local currency
Competitive exchange rate
AlphaDiscounters negotiates competitive foreign exchange rates with our bank service provider
Protect against returns
Same guaranteed rate used for returns, so you won't lose money to rate fluctuations
Avoid bank fees
Avoid paying bank conversion fees on purchases or returns
How does it work?
At checkout, you will see your order total in your local currency.
You pay an exchange rate guarantee fee which enables you to pay in your local currency and lock in your exchange rate.
AlphaDiscounters Currency Converter is optional. You can choose to pay in your local currency or in another currency without the benefit of a guaranteed rate.
Upon return, AlphaDiscounters will refund the exchange rate guarantee fee and process the return using your guaranteed rate.
In some cases, your bank or card issuer may charge you additional fees for foreign transactions even when you pay in your local currency. Please contact your bank to understand its policies.